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We do not have incest, non consensual sex (yes, that includes rape!), beastiality, underage sex nor any other of that weird stuff that for some reason seems to be so popular. If that's what you are looking for, don't bother with this site because you won't find it. What we do have is tasteful high quality erotica, describing people who (at least) lust for each other and have good fun exploring each others sexuality. To some, this may not be as exciting as some other forms of sex, but for this site I selected stories that I enjoy myself. And I'm a sucker for stories with a lot of buildup and a story line, where the characters show respect for each other. There's nothing wrong with a different taste, but it's unlikely you will find what you are looking for if your taste doesn't agree with mine... ;-) That's all I wanted to say! Now you go and enjoy the fine stories I have put on this website for you! Greetings, Art |
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