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Best Erotic Stories Beautiful Asian Woman The fact that you got here indicates that you are of legal age, and interested in erotic stories. Let me first state what we do NOT have over here..

We do not have incest, non consensual sex (yes, that includes rape!), beastiality, underage sex nor any other of that weird stuff that for some reason seems to be so popular. If that's what you are looking for, don't bother with this site because you won't find it.

What we do have is tasteful high quality erotica, describing people who (at least) lust for each other and have good fun exploring each others sexuality. To some, this may not be as exciting as some other forms of sex, but for this site I selected stories that I enjoy myself. And I'm a sucker for stories with a lot of buildup and a story line, where the characters show respect for each other. There's nothing wrong with a different taste, but it's unlikely you will find what you are looking for if your taste doesn't agree with mine... ;-)

That's all I wanted to say! Now you go and enjoy the fine stories I have put on this website for you!



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by: SlowHand

David has been single for a while, and is pressured to attend a wine tasting party by his friend. At the party he meets Mary, a very attractive single lady. They see more of each other, but Mary's daughter Skylar decides to try and do whatever she can to break them up. And she's not afraid to use her sex appeal to reach her goals.

Now what did I say? Oh yeah, I'm a sucker for stories with slow buildup and a story line. SlowHand is a writer after my heart, with this story that completely suits my taste. A good plot, character development, excitement and unexpected twists. Hot sex scenes are the cherries on top.

SlowHand's descriptions are excellent, quickly making an image of the women in the story pop up in my mind. (Admittedly, it's not the only thing that popped up either..). Looking back at the story, I noticed the descriptions of the women are not that lenghty at all. It is my overactive imagination, or something else in the story that formed this image? I suggest you read the story and find out for yourself..

Click here to read "The Dating Game"

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by: Michael Lee

In a bookstore, Sam (literally) bumps into Lana and is immediately very much attracted to her. They go out a few times and things seem to be fine, until she suddenly ends it. The question then becomes: can he get her back?

This is one of those slow starting stories. It starts out as a nice, romantic love story that reads a bit like a poem at first. Michael doesn't disappoint the readers who like steamy sex, though. At a moment where you don't really expect it, suddenly the sparks fly!

This story holds several surprises, humour and steamy sex. It also managed to make me very curious to know how it would end. It has all the ingredients a good story should have, and Michael Lee perfectly mixed them into a high quality story. I really enjoyed this one!

Click here to read "The Perfect Moment"

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by: Jack Handee

Jim can't help it, but he is very much attracted to Anna, his son's girlfriend. They get along pretty well, and he has quite a few secret fantasies about her. When his son tells him he intends to break up with her, Jim feels sorry that he probably won't see her anymore. Little does he know..

This a great story with an older man who is attracted to a younger woman. The story is interesting for several reasons, not in the least because it has a "story within a story". Apart from that, the theme is most stimulating all by itself and with a talented writer such as Jack Handee filling us in on all the details of forbidden lust, it's not hard to form an image of this exciting young lady.

Click here to read "Sworn Secret"

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by: Che

Like I told you in the intro of this site, I'm a sucker for romantic stories that build up slowly. However, that does not mean I can't enjoy stories that are a bit different!

Che's "Cum Again" is different. This is definitely not a romantic story. Working on the script for an adult video, Dawn wants Kyle to review it and give comments. Not surprisingly, this review quickly turns into heavy sexual activity and that is only after Dawn pleasured herself several times before even going to visit Kyle! Definitely a very horny girl indeed.

With masturbation, oral and anal sex this story has all the hardcore action one could wish for. I must admit I enjoy the occasional hardcore story from time to time. If you're in the right mood, you can't go wrong if you let Che take you through a number of exciting positions with this "shut up and fuck me!" type of girl! Too bad I've never met a woman like this (yet!).

Click here to read "Cum Again"

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by: Che

Shawn is very much turned on by a lovely young lady who is distributing flyers in his neighbourhood. As much as he wants to, he is unable to control his feelings of lust for her. When it turns out she is also a big tease, Shawn has a difficult time figuring out just how far this seemingly innocent girl is willing to go..

This is another story by Che. Where "Cum Again" gets to the action pretty quickly, this one is quite a bit slower, teasing the reader just as much as Anne Marie Summer teases Shawn in the story. Overcome by the same feelings as Shawn, I couldn't help but read all the way to the end of this story without interruption. Teasing at it's best!

Click here to read "Anne Marie Summer"

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by: Katie Rose

While waiting in a hall Elena hears a payphone ring. She picks it up and finds out there is a man with a very sexy voice on the other end, inviting her to talk sexy with each other..

Because she doesn't have time to talk to him due to the exam, she ends up writing down his phone number so she can call him later. Full of doubt, she has to decide if she's really going to do that..

Although the plot may seem a bit unlikely at first, I must admit that I have had phone conversations with women who had such a sexy voice that it got me instantly excited. So it may not be that unlikely after all!

Katie Rose manages to make all this very realistic, by sharing the doubts and thoughts that Elena has. Slowly and carefully building the excitement and pleasing us with a surprising ending, Katie has created a great story.

After reading this story, I guarantee you'll never let a payphone ring again. I surely won't. After all you never know! :-)

Click here to read "Silk"

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by: Camille Beaujolie

Reading Camille's story "The Dream" was done more on impulse than anything else. Bondage and domination are not my cup of tea. Or at least that's what I always thought!

"The Dream" describes a woman's dream and her thoughts about it. The dream places her in a submissive position, domainted by a man. Not knowing she would ever want to be enslaved by anyone, she is surprised to find the thought excites her.

The story is exciting. The reader is slowly introduced into the postion the woman is in (both physically and mentally), with careful attention for detail. Even those who are not all that interested in bondage (a group I consider myself to be a part of) will be aroused as the story progresses, especially when the woman starts to pleasure herself.

Click here to read "The Dream"

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by: Arlene Ashe

It will not be a surprise that this story is about a man and a woman who are stranded after being ship wrecked. This story slowly builds up, but the good thing about a porn story is that you always know things are going to happen. So I actually like that.

Things do happen, and Arlene manages to so clearly describe the sex scenes that it's not difficult to put yourself in the place of one of the main characters and become as excited as they are! And if you are a lover of redhaired women, as I am, this will only add to the excitement because the female character is a redhead!

Click here to read "Ship Wrecked"

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by: Jenne64

The story starts with a prostitute attending a service in church. Not really a common start of a sex story! The rest of the plot may be (only) a bit more common: she meets a really nice guy and faces the problem that women in that profession must face all the time: when do I tell him?

The story takes us through several of her "tricks", while sharing her thoughts and concerns about her date. It's interesting to take this point of view and place yourself in that position. I couldn't keep myself from trying to figure out what I thought would be best..

The story ends with a surprise, making it a nice read!

Click here to read "Who's Fooling Who?"

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by: BC

The plot of this story is quite unusual. I can't say too much about it, or I'll spoil the surprise!

The story starts describing how Natalie is late for her first golf lesson. Because her husband really wants her to learn golf, it's quite important she does learn the basics of golf that same day. And she's willing to do quite a lot in order to get that far!

As the story progresses, it makes me think more and more of the books written by Tom Sharpe, with situations that are as funny as they are absurd. Mix in the hot sex that is described in this story, and you'll see how BC craftfully managed to combine excitement and humour.

Click here to read "The Proper Grip"

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by: Comshaw

"Barter" is about young guy who is looking to get a blowjob. His wife doesn't want to give him one, so he lets one of his co-workers help him get what he wants.

His co-worker gets him a blowjob indeed, in how own special way! This already makes the story interesting, but it gets even better when it's time to pay back for the favour!

An exciting read from beginning to end with several surprising twists! Comshaw is definitely capable of writing hot sex scenes, but also comes up with a great plot and many surprises. One thing is sure: I don't ever want to play cards with this man! (Or, well, maybe I actually do!)

Click here to read "Barter"

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by: Jack King

William enjoys the exhibitionist nature of his wife. When he catches his teenage employee admiring her body, he devises a plan to trick him into accompanying his wife to a costume party. The poor teen then gets a pretty hard time, before he is given the treat of his life!

In the intro, Jack King mentions that he put this story together quickly. That is hard to believe, because the quality is high. The story takes off very quickly. It immediately excited me and grabbed my attention, keeping it until the very last sentence. I won't waste time telling you more about it, just read it NOW!

Click here to read "Tricked Then Treated"

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by: Chet O.

A woman (executive type) goes to the gym, basically looking to get some action. She meets a young, inexperienced guy and rather quickly seduces him, introducing him to the pleasures of sex. As any other healthy young man, he is only too eager to learn!

This story gets up to speed very quickly. Chet O. manages to paint a nice picture of a young man's excitement when an experienced woman teaches him what to do to please her (and himself).

A very worthwhile story to read, making me wish I had a teacher like that! ;-)

Click here to read "Reversion"

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by: Stardog Champion

Liz starts off her new job at QVC. Still excited about being there, she is taken out by two of her female co-workers. They have quite a surprise in store for her, which makes quite clear why the story is called "Fresh Meat"!

The seemingly innocent Liz turns out to be quite a bit more willing and adventurous then I first throught when I started reading. The story mixes in some light lesbian action. If you like that, and I do, you'll enjoy reading this too!

Click here to read "Fresh Meat"

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by: Jake

Sue is a married woman, who finds herself very much attracted to a young man named Alex. Even though she wants to stay faithful to her husband, it becomes harder and harder to fight off these feelings.

With a title like this and a description that hints to a possible adulterous affair, you can't help but expect quite a lot of excitement in this story. I was not disappointed. The story effectively describes the doubts and horny thoughts of a woman in lust. Jake manages to get us to think about the difficult situation of lusting after the "Forbidden Fruit", only to drive away any doubts you may still have with some steaming hot sex scenes. I think the fruit tastes a bit better, just because it is forbidden..

Click here to read "Forbidden Fruit"

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by: Little Miss Blair

A happily married woman sometimes feels she is missing something in her sex life: a really big cock! When her husband discovers this, he decides to fulfill her wish. He doesn't know what he starts, though..!

This story is a bit different from what I said was my favourite kind of story. This woman, although happily married is, well, a slut! She wants to be fucked hard by a man with a big cock. But I think it's a good read anyway. It's quite interesting to read about a woman who is more or less struggling with two sides of her personality: one side is happy(ly married), the other is definitely not. Do women like this really exist? Read this story and think about it like I did!

Click here to read "Hung Yearnings"

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