© Copyright 2001 Little Miss Blair.
This story is covered by copyright and may not be copied, re-printed or
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HUNG YEARNINGS by little miss blair I'm writing this story for reasons only important to myself. Tomorrow I will be forty years old. My story, however, begins nine years ago when I was thirty one.. My name is Jessica. I've been happily married for nine years to a wonderful caring man I met in college. We have two lovely children, a boy six and a daughter eight. My 31st birthday was yesterday and, as usual, my husband treated me to a night of dinner and dancing. He so enjoys doing for me that my pleasures are equaled only by the delight he derives from makng me happy. We want for nothing really, nothing material that is. That's not to say we're filthy rich, we don't have yachts and jets, but we live extremely comfortable in a clean, safe upscale neighborhood. When I was a child my mother religiously made an entry in her daily diary. She always told me her personal history was important to her. She found real satisfaction in reading and recalling her past, especially her spirited youth, lovers won and lost and the blessings brought by the love of having children. I guess I'm my mother's daughter because I've been keeping a diary since I was ten years old. This is really where my story begins, with my diary. Occasionally I enter thoughts that some people probably would think are best left unsaid. My husband knew I valued my privacy and, as far as I knew, had never violated that trust by reading my innermost thoughts. To this day I don't know if I left the diary out in the open consciously are I simply forgot to put it away. Maybe, I don't know...maybe in my subconscious I wanted him to read it. Anyway, his natural curiosity bettered him. He only read my most recent entry but it was enough to hurt him deeply. It took him several weeks before he admitted it too me but it disturbed him so much he had to talk about it. The entry read: "There are moments, like today, that a restlessness wells up inside of me. A time when I want to know what it would feel like to be fulfilled sexually. To have my womb tickled by the head of a huge cock, my imaginary G-spot probed, my total cunt cavity filled to capacity." That was the entry in my diary. You can see how this would certainly concern a husband who thought everything was alright in his marriage. And our marriage was fine as far as I was concerned. Only when these occasional longings arose did I question my sexual fulfillment. But everyone has there own therapy in helping themselves get along in life. Whenever these depraved thoughts tortured my mind I could usually eradicate them by masturbating. And I enjoyed these rare times because it almost always required multiple orgasms, a real treat for me.
But this particular entry in my diary, to say the least, could be
interpreted as a direct insult to my husband's manhood. I can only
imagine the agony this entry must have caused him. When he finally
gathered the courage to confront me I could see the pain and hurt in his
My immediate reaction was anger. But only briefly did I entertain the thought of attacking him for invading my privacy. And I do mean briefly. Instead, my heart ached for him as he stood before me like a beaten man. John is a gentle man, a man with a big heart, a devoted husband and father. His love for me is unquestionable as is mine for him. But now I felt I was put in a position to prove that love for him all over again. Not because I had done anything wrong but because, or so I thought, I had a character flaw.
We put the children in bed that night and met back in the kitchen. I knew we were going to have a long, drawn out discussion. I should interject here that our sex life had always been adequate for me. John has what most men and women consider a normal cock, about six inches in length. I rarely had an orgasm when we had intercourse but, being the considerate man John was, we always had a lot of foreplay. He also loved servicing me orally and I almost always had an orgasm from his superb tongue, He rarely failed to hug and caress me after intercourse which usually ended with me falling asleep, totally content. It took most of the night to finally convince John of my love for him and my happiness in the marriage. He wanted to know if all women had thoughts like the one in my diary. I didn't know and told him so. It just wasn't something my female friends would consider talking about. He pointed out that men talk about sex a lot, usually lying about the conquest they've made. I asked him, point blank, do men ever talk about their wives amongst themselves. He said they mostly talk about the wives of other men. I didn't understand. He tried to explain the "grass is greener" syndrome that husbands go thru. For instance, almost everyday someone at the office would joke with him about his sexy wife, (me) and how the hell did he ever manage to get her....and hold onto her! I jokingly told him to please let his friends know I appreciated their complimentary remarks. I thought that was the end of our problem, that our all night discussion laid it to rest. We even made love that morning before John went to work. He appeared to have his manhood back, intact, and a spring in his step when he left for work. One month later John came home from work with a big surprise. Two airline tickets, first class, and reservations at the biggest hotel in Vegas. I was totally thrilled. He knew how I loved Vegas. We hadn't been there since our daughter turned three because we didn't feel that was a place to take children on vacation. But this was to be just the two of us. He had made arrangements with his mother to keep the kids and we were going alone too dance, dine and gamble. He knew how I loved playing the slot machines. The day arrived, we landed in Vegas, a limo waiting to take us to the hotel. And the two room suite was fabulous. Everything was perfect. Our first night we took in a show, dined till we were absolutely stuffed, and I pulled on slot machines till my arms ached. It was great. The next day we slept, lounged around the pool and just did nothing. Very lazy. About 8pm that night John decided we should go dancing. He loved to dance. I put on my most alluring dress, something to show all my assets and off to the dance floors we went. During a band break John said he spotted someone he met earlier in the day. He excused himself and went to the bar to talk to him. In a few minutes he was back with the young man in tow. He introduced him to me as Peter, a sometime dealer at several of the hotels. When the band began playing again John insisted I dance with Peter. Peter was taller than John, like six foot two, broad shoulders, small waist and a butt to die for. Extremely handsome man. As we danced he complimented me on my dress and the way I danced, in general everything a woman wants to hear. But I wasn't born yesterday and I could feel his eyes and hands all over my body. As we danced it seemed like he deliberately pressed his manhood against my leg. The touch wasn't lost on me. I could feel that he was not normal, huge might be the word to describe it. And I actually felt it grow!! I felt a rush of excitement, and embarrassment, as we ground against each other disgustedly. When we arrived back at the table John said he had a headache and was going back to the room. As I stood to leave with him John insisted I stay with Peter and a have good time dancing. This was so uncharacteristic of John I asked Peter to excuse us for a minute and took John aside. I wanted to know what he was doing, leaving me with a total stranger. He explained to me he had met Peter on the Internet and this was his gift of love. I didn't immediately understand. He reminded me of my diary and this was his way of letting me live out my fantasy. Needless to say I was at a loss for words for a moment. I was totally stunned! Doing my best to regain my composure I tried to explain to him that I couldn't do something like this. I couldn't go off with a complete stranger and have sex. He was insistent. He pushed me back towards the table and walked away. I couldn't believe it. What man would do this for his wife, or for that matter, too his wife? I was extremely uncomfortable as I sat back down next to Peter. It was awkward to say the least. After a few drinks and several dances later I had loosened up considerably. I could feel a knot developing in my stomach in anticipation of what might happen before the night was over. The time of reckoning arrived... he asked me to his room for a nightcap. My voice was barely audible as I accepted. He had a small room, a single with a queen size bed and the only comfortable place to sit was on its edge. As we sipped our drink he began nibbling my ear, licking inside, quickly turning me into jelly. He stood in front of me, his belt buckle staring me in the eye. I quickly undone it, zipped down his pants and let them fall to the floor. There it was, staring me in the eye. a freak of nature. An appendage so large it took my breath away. His bikini briefs couldn't contain all of it and it wasn't even hard yet. "My God what a cock" was the thought that came to mind. I pulled it out of his briefs holding the head up to my lips. My tongue flicked out, touching it, tasting it, like a new lollipop to a 3 year old. I could barely get it in my mouth, my jaw muscles ached trying to hold my lips open around it. As I slowly sucked the first two or three inches it began to grow in size. I thought the corners of my mouth would split. I removed it quickly not wanting it to harm me. So I licked it, the full length, so huge I could not get my fingers around it. I looked up at his face, his blue penetrating eyes staring down at me. I blubbered something about it being too large, that I didn't think any woman could take a cock this huge. He smiled. He knew my protest was weak, that there was no way I was leaving without trying. And he was so right, so very, very right. I stood, turned, he unzipped me out of my dress. He forced me down on the bed, his body and arms so strong I spread myself submissively. He lay down next to me, kissing my cheeks and stroking my bare tits. My nipples, so sensitive, so exquisitely painful to his touch. I whimpered like a school girl. He leaned over to the night stand and retrieved a bottle of lubricant. He handed it to me and, without a word, I began smearing it over his huge cock. I was in such awe.. .never had I seen such huge manhood. My only point of reference was John, and believe me, there was absolutely no comparison. He wasted no time in straddling my body. I instinctively grasped his member and placed the head against my pussy lips. I was having misgivings again, I really thought there was no way this could ever happen. He pushed slowly, the head stretching me to new dimensions, so wide I thought I would split. The pain...a good pain, a pain I could stand as I spread my legs even more for maximum room. Two inches, three inches, four. My hips thrust upwards, five, six, counting no longer seemed to matter. He was so strong, thrusting his huge cock into me, I felt absolutely primitive, sucking this huge piece of meat up into my very core. I knew the orgasm building in me would make me forget all the other orgasms I had ever had. This was going to be the big one, the one I fantasized about so many times. And then it happened. I felt myself losing it, I had no control of my body. I convulsed, screamed, whimpered and cried as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. I never knew such bliss. Peter's thrusting hips never lost stride. He continued to fuck me, and fuck me, and fuck me. I lost count... stop counting as I came, came and came again. He finally stopped but continued laying on top of me, his prick still buried deep into my womb. His staying power was incredulous. I was so tired, I closed my eyes and for a minute I fell asleep. I was awakened by Peter's continuing, thrusting tempo and my own hips meeting his, slamming that huge member in and out of me. We were at it again. I knew my pussy lips were raw from this continuous fuck fest. How quick, I couldn't believe it, I was cumming again. Just when I thought I would beg him to stop another wave of that torturing pleasure would sweep over me. My hands were clasping his taut ass cheeks and, for the first time, I felt their clenching muscles begin to flinch. He was going to cum in me. I wanted it. I felt his cock throbbing inside me as the hot, shooting gism seemed to fill and warm my womb. I was so extremely tired...I was forcing myself to stay awake. Peter rolled off of me and went into the bathroom. By the time he returned I was dressed. He didn't understand and showed his displeasure. He had planned on resting a while and continue our fucking spree. I apologized profusely, trying to make him understand that this was the best sex I had ever had in my life. But I also had a husband that allowed me this experience and didn't want him to worry. As I walked down the hall to the hotel elevator my legs were wobbly, my entire body was sore and weak as a kitten. When I arrived back at our suite John was watching television. It was 5 am in the morning. I knew he wouldn't be sleeping. His eyes were searching for any difference in me as he followed me around the suite. His curiosity got the better of him and he began pummelling me with questions. I was so tired I wanted to wait till later, I wanted to think about my answers, not be tripped up and say something that might hurt him. I undressed quickly and crawled into bed. John lay down next to me, still grilling me about my night. I kissed him on the cheek, told him I appreciated his gesture in allowing me to fulfill my fantasy but I had to sleep. I was dead tired. As I turned, buried my head in the soft pillow, I felt Peter's cum juice leaking from my pussy... vulgarly running down my leg. John woke me at noon. I staggered into the bathroom, my body seemed to reek of stale sex. It aroused me. I jumped into the shower, the hot water caressing my aching muscles. I was relieved, but surprised that John didn't start in on me again about my sex with Peter. We went down to the hotel dining room for brunch. Peter was setting on the far side of the room, alone. I watched as he rose and walked down a hallway leading to the restrooms. I told John I should thank him for being a gentlemen with me since we might not see him again. I didn't wait for John's response, I arose from the table and walked down the hallway to wait for him. Peter, seeing me, grabbed me firmly by the arm and led me to the ladies room door. He pushed it open with his leg and in a loud voice inquired if anyone was in there. Hearing nothing, he pulled me in and locked the door. I didn't have any idea what he was up too. I told him I only wanted to thank him for the night before. I tried to pull away but, being so strong, he turned me around and forced me to face the large mirror. As I leaned against the counter I watched as he unzipped his pants and pulled his huge organ from his pants. He was so quick I hardly had time to think, His thick prick was nudging me from behind, ordering me to spread my legs. I felt the experienced fingers on my cunt and within seconds I was soaking wet. The head of his cock was soon inside me, fucking me from behind like a dog. This was not his finest hour as I listened to him grunt, apparently one thing in mind and that was to please himself. The side effects... I was thrilled to be taken in this vulgar, brusque manner. My ass was pushing backwards, begging for him to bury his meat in me. He obliged by fucking me vigorously. Within minutes we both came, our bodies convulsed and shuddered to one intense orgasm. I was surprised how sweaty I had become from this quick sexual encounter. He lay across my back for a minute before withdrawing his cock from me. He turned me around, grasping my shoulders and forcing me to kneel down and clean him with my mouth. As I knelt, legs spread, I could feel his cum juices running out of me filling my panties. He left. I tried to clean myself before returning to John. As I walked thru the dining room I was sure everyone I passed could surely smell me, the sex, the cum. Must have been just me cause even John never mentioned anything about it. He said Peter stopped by the table and thanked him. He told John I was one of the best sex partners he had ever had. The remainder of our vacation, or up thru our 2nd to last day, was full of gambling, dining, drinking, and shows. We attended a show every night, John, being incredibly efficient, had made reservations in advance for all the shows that were regularly sold out. I thought about Peter everyday, not in a loving sense but about his incredible cock. I had this nagging thought that my sex with Peter could effect my relationship with John. For now, however, we were having fun and I put it out of my mind. Besides, neither I nor John had seen Peter since that day in the dining room. He apparently had left Vegas. That statement about him being a card dealer was false John told me. He thought Peter might live in Los Angeles. On our last day in Vegas I was so horny I thought I would burst. All I could think of was Peter, or anyone else, that had a large cock. About 6 pm John was taking a shower in preparation for dinner. While he was in the shower I rang up Peter's room, in the off chance he still happened to be Vegas. Another gentlemen answered the phone. He confirmed that indeed this was still Peter's room but he was out for the moment. I immediately knew I was going to attempt one last fling, I didn't care how depraved it may seem to John. He opened this can of worms and now he would have to live with it. Anyway, the gentlemen who answered the phone said Peter would return in 15 minutes. When John came out of the shower I told him that I had called Peter's room and he was still in Vegas. He knew, without asking, I wanted to see Peter one more time before we left. He didn't like it and told me so. He also knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. Suddenly our phone rang, it was Peter. I told him I was leaving the next day and would like to see him one more time. He agreed, telling me to come to his room about 10 o'clock. I assured him I would be there. I went to dinner with John but was not very good company. I was so hot in anticipation I knew I would be well lubricated by the time I got to Peter's room. I was already wet. At 9:45 at looked for John in the casino. He was playing blackjack. I whispered to him that I was going and not to wait up for me. The sadness on his face said it all but it did nothing towards changing my mind. I was in a fuck mode and nothing but a big dick was going to change that. When I arrived at Peter's room the gentlemen I had spoke to on the phone let me in. It was an extremely awkward moment to say the least. I was standing in the room, alone with this stranger, and he was dressed only in his bikini underwear. My eyes were riveted on the huge bulge that was barely contained. He introduced himself as Phillip and informed me that Peter would be back in a few minutes. He offered me a drink which I accepted. I watched as he mixed it for me, his underwear not hiding much. Like Peter, he was also extremely large. In fact he may have been larger than Peter! Peter returned to his room. He introduced me to Phillip, mixed himself a drink, and we all set there in silence. Peter suddenly spoke up and asked if I came up to get fucked. I was embarrassed by his directness, especially in front of Phillip, a total stranger to me. Peter took off his pants, reached for his lubricant and planted himself in front of me. I looked up at him and asked if Phillip was going to leave. Peter, very matter of fact, informed me that not only was Phillip not leaving but he was going to fuck me too! I felt a gush between my legs. I began to moan as I picked up the lubricant and applied it to Peter's dick. Peter lay down on the bed. Suddenly Phillip was standing in front of me, his huge cock dangling in my face waiting to be lubricated. I applied lubricant to him also. While Phillip was mixing himself another drink I slipped out of my dress. I lay on the bed next to Peter and let him direct my head down to lick his balls. I felt like the biggest slut in the world and, at that moment, I didn't care. I was going to be fucked by two humongous cocks and that's all that mattered to me. Peter pulled me up on top of him and I directed his dick into my cunt. Unlike the first night it slipped in fairly easy but still stretching my pussy lips to their limits. Peter lay there while I fucked him. Slowly, so slowly, as to savor the moment, I took my time before finally impaling myself completely. I rode it slowly and steadily, mewing like a kitten, the cock between my legs the most important thing in the world at the moment. As I moved closer to my first orgasm I had totally forgotten about Phillip. I felt the mattress giving away when Phillip crawled up behind me. His arms circled me, his hands began squeezing my swollen tits and pinching my nipples. I didn't understand why the pain seemed to make me hotter, pushing me closer to orgasm. Phillip leaned against my back forcing my head down towards Peters. It certainly shows how inexperienced I was in the world of sex because I didn't see what was coming. I felt the head of Phillip's dick press against my anus. My body stiffened immediately. The orgasm I was about to have waned. I yelled at Phillip that I didn't do that kind of sex and to get off of me. I couldn't move because I was pinned between both of them. Suddenly Phillip was getting help. Peter, still with his huge cock buried in me, was reaching around my waist and pulling my ass cheeks apart. I felt this tremendous pressure against my anal hole, pushing, pushing, harder and harder... pop... the head of his dick was in me. The pain was almost unbearable. Phillip was reaching around my head, his hand over my mouth to hold down my screams. God, it hurt so bad, it felt like my asshole was split open. Phillip continued to push and I could feel the length penetrating me deeper with each thrust. When I pushed, the kind of push you use to deficate, it actually opened me wider and Phillip drove in deeper. The more I pushed, the wider my hole became, the less pain I experienced. Several minutes had passed, he was now fucking me in my ass with the full length of his enormous cock. I could feel both dicks head to head in my womb, and a giant orgasm about to explode. They fucked me like a piece of meat, first one would drive into me, then the other. Both sensations began to blend together and I knew Utopia was just strokes away. When I came it was like no other sensation I ever felt. I was delirious with pleasure as wave after depraved wave swept over me. I didn't have a husband, I didn't have children, all I felt was a sexual high I would never come down from. I came in nasty convulsions.. being fucked by masters, two men who were experts at the art of shameless pleasure.. They fucked me long and hard before they finally spewed their thick, white cum into my burning gut. God, what ecstasy. All good moments end, unfortunately, but one thing was for sure. As they laid side by side on the bed while I licked their humongous cocks clean I knew there was no going back. I would need this kind of fucking for the rest of my life... And my lack of concern as to how I would get it surprised even me. And one pays a price for their pleasures. Before we left in the morning I had John take me to the emergency room at the local hospital. Phillip had indeed split me open and my anus was bleeding profusely. There wasn't a lot they could do for me other than clean me and prescribe something for the pain and possible infection. It was not a comfortable trip home but the pleasure was worth it all. As expected, John was visibly upset by all of this, especially when he realized he played the biggest part in this sexual tryst. He couldn't take it back and he couldn't stop what lay ahead. We had the long talk and I was completely honest with him. I couldn't, I wouldn't live without this new world he introduced me too. But I wanted to stay married, I loved him for the man he was, and I certainly loved my children. So, for the last 9 years I take a trip to Vegas, usually by myself, twice a year for 7 to 10 days. John, through the internet, always has what I'm looking for set up for me. And I fuck until it's out of my system for a while. I even tried to get John involved once by letting him watch. He just couldn't get into it. Just as well I guess. And as I get older I'm sure I'll slow down. But, for now, even at 40, I still get a knot in my stomach when I knock on the hotel door, just knowing on the other side there are two cocks to fill two holes of my yearning desire. |
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