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With the site named this way, this warning should actually be redundant, but here goes...

Warning! This site is intended for an adult audience. On this site you will find a selection of erotic stories. You must be at least 18 years of age (or whatever age your government has decided for you) to enter this site! I wouldn't want you to break any laws ;-)

If you are not interested, or not allowed to view adult material please select the exit link below. You will be sent to a site with stories that are not erotic. You can safely enjoy yourself there, while we do our thing over here (secretly, of course!).

Have fun, wherever you go!

Your webmaster, Art

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Please take me away to a site that does NOT contain adult material.

I can handle the adult stuff! Yes, take me inside! (pun intended).

If you'd rather check out another site with erotic stories, you can
also check out the erotic stories and sex stories at!

BimBim: Too hot for the public!

Erotische Sexgeschichten in der Deutsche Sprache? Gratis! Hier klicken! (oder alternativ: erogeschichten, oder erotikgeschichten)

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please email your webmaster, Art